Candida Cleanse Diet - Foods to Eat - Foods not to Eat

Candida Cleanse Diet - Foods to Eat - Foods not to Eat

Learn here what foods to eat on a Candida cleanse diet, and, what foods you must not eat. But learning what foods to eat on a Candida cleanse diet isn't enough on its own. Find out what more you need to do to quickly cure your nasty Candida once and for all.

Importance Of Your Diet

Many women don't realise just how important a healthy, well balanced, diet is in reducing the risk of Candida, and, when seeking a cure if you already have a Candida infection.
Many women, perhaps like you, have been taking, either prescription or over-the-counter medication, for your Candida infection only to find that it isn't clearing up, or, it clears up only to keep coming back.
There are several reasons for this and your diet is one of the most important of them.

Foods to Avoid on a Candida Cleanse Diet

Candida Cleanse Diet
Basically, foods to avoid on a Candida cleanse diet are foods containing high levels of sugar, salt, uric acid, steroids, antibiotics, carbohydrates, yeast, wheat, cow's milk, preservatives, artificial flavourings.
This means food such as; sugar, artificial sweeteners, red meats, fruit (fresh, canned, dried), honey, syrups, potatoes, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, parsnips, legumes, processed meats, bread, cereals, pasta, pizzas, peas, beans, cheeses, milk, buttermilk, cream, margarine, peanuts, other nuts, vinegar, pickled food, alcohol, coffee, etc.
Now, obviously, it would be almost impossible to completely avoid all these, and, you wouldn't want to anyway since many contain other elements that are good for you. That's why you have to prepare a dietary plan very carefully and then stick to it.

Foods to Eat on a Candida Cleanse Diet

Candida Cleanse DieFood to eat on a Candida cleanse diet must be high in protein and good fats, but very low in carbohydrates. The idea is to "starve" the yeast which is causing your infection, while at the same time building up your immune levels and therefore the "friendly" bacteria in your body to kill-off the infection.
Foods you can eat on a Candida cleanse diet are; organic chicken, organic red meat (small quantities), fish (better if oily fish), organic sheep and goat's milk dairy products, whole grain flour bread, oats, sprouted pulses / beans, extra virgin olive oil, coconut and palm oil, most fresh vegetables, grapefruit, apples, lemons, limes, walnuts, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, pepper, fresh herbs, garlic.
For drinking; try to stick to mineral water and herbal tea infusions.

Mainstream Treatment

Normal treatment that you get from your doctor or over-the-counter generally consists of creams, lotions, tablets and so on, which are generally drug-based. Although these can work well enough at the beginning, over time they can prove to be ineffective.
This happens because in a sense they only attack the symptoms and not the root cause of your infection. In addition, the Candida can build up a resistance to the drugs over time rendering them useless.
What this can mean is that even though you know what foods to eat on a Candida cleanse diet, the chances are that if you also stick with drug-based therapies, you may still have some problems in getting rid of your infection permanently.
What is called for then is a completely natural treatment and cure from start to finish.

A Completely Natural Treatment and Cure

The best way to get rid of your Candida is through a completely natural approach that doesn't depend on drugs for a good outcome. This is what more and more frustrated women are now doing.
Many women around the world have found that, by using this proven method, they have at last completely cured their Candida and are feeling much healthier with much more energy to enjoy their lives to the full again. They also report complete relief from their Candida in as little as 12 hours.

By Jon Cielo
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