Cytomel (liothyronine sodium)
Cytomel description Drug Class: Synthetic thyroid hormone
Pharmaceutical Name: Liothyronine sodium
Brand Name: Cytomel
Effective Dose: 25-100 mcg/day
Cytomel is not a steroid, but more a of a cutting aid. It's a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone tri-iodio-thyronine or T3, made up of a metabolite of the amino acid tyrosine and 3 iodine ions. In the body it in turn is made from another hormone, T4, which is secreted by the thyroid under influence of the pituitary hormone TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone). If a shortage of either TSH or T4 is noted, usually doctors may opt for a replacement therapy. These days the most common prescription is synthetic T4 (synthroid), but in more severe cases of permanent thyroid dysfunction, the choice is given to Cytomel. Simply because T4 is mostly active through its conversion to T3 and T3 is 4-5 times stronger than T4 on a mg for µg basis.
How to Use Cytomel: Bodybuilders take advantage of these characteristics and stimulate their metabolism by taking Cytomel, which causes a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Bodybuilders, of course, are especially interested in an increased lipolysis, which means increased fat burning. Competing bodybuilders, in particular, use Cytomel during the weeks before a championship since Cytomel helps to maintain an extremely low fat content, without necessitating a hunger diet. Athletes who use low dosages of Cytomel report that by the simultaneous intake of steroids, the steroids become mote effective, most likely as the result of the faster conversion of protein. Nowadays, instead of Cytomel, athletes use Clenbuterol which is becoming more and more popular. Those who combine these two compounds will burn an enormous amount of fat. Cytomel is also popular among female bodybuilders. Since women generally have slower metabolisms than men, it is extremely difficult for them to obtain the right form for a competition given today's standards. A drastic reduction of food and calories below the 1000 caloric/day mark can often be avoided by taking Cytomel. Women, no doubt, are more prone to side effects than men but usually get along well with 50 mcg/day. It is also important that Cytomel not be taken for more than six weeks. At least two months of abstinence from the drug needs to follow. Those who take high dosages of Cytomel over a long period of time are at risk of developing a chronic thyroid insufficiency.

Bill Llewellyn says that Cytomel is not a drug to start off on, and that use of milder drugs like T4 (Synthroid) or triacana can help ease a person into the use of T3. I'm inclined to disagree here however. Triacana is weak compound and I find of little use. Its not easily found anymore and not cheap either. T4 is basically similar to Cytomel except that its weaker. Something that users normally compensate with higher doses and sends them down a similar lane as simply using cytomel. Agreed, cytomel is NOT a drug for beginners, but with adequate research, experience with diet and some self-control, I don't see why cytomel shouldn't be the first thyoid compound used. But for recreational users looking for a fatburner, I still suggest using clenbuterol over cytomel for all intents and purposes. Cytomel is much more powerful, but clenbuterol is a lot safer for use. The results are easier to maintain with clenbuterol as well. Negative feedback in the thyroid may decrease natural levels of T3 in the body, causing a decrease of metabolic rate after coming off a cycle of T3. That can cause a rebound effect during which a lot of weight is gained back.

For competitive bodybuilders Cytomel is an almost unmissable aid in contest preparation, along with clenbuterol and non-aromatizing steroids such as stanazolol, trenbolone, methenolone and so forth...
Stacking and Use: It can be stacked or alternated with Clenbuterol. I usually recommend to alternate, three weeks clen with three weeks cytomel, since clen loses most of its benefits after a short period of time and using cytomel for extended time-periods will increase the risk of permanent thyroid failure. Neither drug is terribly expensive so I see no problem in this. Some opt to use them together for 3-4 weeks, and then use an over the counter ECA stack to bridge with for an equal period of time, but I'm not such a big fan of that. Which naturally doesn't mean its not effective, that's just a personal opinion. Running it for three weeks, one could choose for a schedule as follows: 25/25/25/50/50/50/75/75/75/100/100/100/75/75/75/50/50/50/25/25/25 µg/day. If taken for 4 weeks, then run each dose for 4 days, 5 weeks then each dose for 5 days and so on. It is extremely important that the doses are tapered on and off and that a cycle never exceeds 6 weeks at the most.
Side Effects of Cytomel: Possible side effects are heart palpitation, trembling, irregular heartbeat, heart oppression, agitation, shortness of breath, excretion of sugar through the urine, excessive perspiration, diarrhea, weight loss, psychic disorders, etc., as well as symptoms of hypersensitivity. Our experience is that most symptoms consist of trembling of hands, nausea, headaches, high perspiration, and increased heartbeat. These negative side effects can often be eliminated by temporarily reducing the daily dosage. Those who use Cytomel over several weeks will experience a decrease in muscle mass.
As far as adding products, no ancillaries are needed, but its highly recommended that this is only used when anabolic/androgenic steroids are also being used. First of all the extra free calories work with the steroids to enhance results, but also because an increased level of thyroid hormones can be extremely catabolic and the use of anabolic compounds to counter muscle loss is a requirement here.
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