How to Get a Girl to Like you - Guaranteed Tips to Win Her Heart!

How to Get a Girl to Like you
Are you stumped with how to get a girl to like you? Fear not, because there are ways to catch a woman's heart. Around half of the world's male population have a dilemma on how to capture the heart of the girl of their dreams the same as you. Just what is it that makes women weak in the knees anyway?
Below is a list of tips on how to get a girl to like you:

Be yourself.

As with getting anyone, male or female, to like you, simply be yourself. Being fake would only repulse people. Faking your own personality drives people away. Honesty and integrity is a barometer of trustworthiness. If a girl can't trust you to be yourself, why would she entrust you with her life?

Immerse yourself.

If you've always felt awkward with the fairer sex, it's not the end of the world. It may take practice; but as with any intrepid endeavor, it takes time to warm up to the changes. Start with the basics. 

How to Get a Girl to Like youTake note of your own family. How do the male and female members interact? If you're fortunate enough to have been raised in a female-dominated family, then you'd at least have a basic awareness of how to conduct yourself around girls. But if you've only ever been exposed to testosterone your entire life, you'll have to work a little harder at it. 

Try to interact with women more and try to be familiar with their ways. It won't do you good to avoid them at all costs just because you are daunted by them. Girls aren't immune to insecurity, too. If you're afraid to approach a girl, remind yourself that girls wonder about how to get guys to like them as well. 

Be nice

Being nice and pleasant are two different things. Sure, you might be a pleasant fellow to be around with, but do you actually go out of your way to be a decent human being? 

Help an old lady cross the street. Be a role model for kids to look up to. Be kind to animals. Being considerate to others, no matter the age, gender, or species, is sure to make any girl fall for you. 

Of course, don't do it just to impress her. If all you're after are the brownie points, your efforts will only backfire, painfully.

Clean up your act

There are females may find rugged types rather appealing. That, however, is no excuse for you to avoid hygienic rituals. A guy can be the most awe-inspiring Adonis, but it's a given the girls will flee and avoid him like a dreaded disease if he lives like a slob.

Be a friend.

Yes, platonic relationships between people of the opposite sexes do exist. In some cases, pure friendship relationships can even lead to romantic relationships. But whether or not you'd like to take it that far, bear in mind that girls weren't made to be chased after to be captured like prize game. 

The chances for her to like your company if you treat her with respect, listen to her intently, and be her support system when she's not in a good place. Let her see your clean intentions and you shouldn't let her feel like you're only after one thing (and you're probably aware what that is).

Just follow these simple steps on how to get a girl to like you and the girl of your dreams will be yours in no time.

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Author: Michael Lee
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