Lipozene: Can you Really Lose Weight Fast With Lipozene?

Lipozene: Can you Really Lose Weight Fast With Lipozene?

One of the more recent 'stars' of the diet supplement world, Lipozene has been touted as a fast, easy route, to substantial weight loss. But does it really work? 
The Lipozene diet pill is manufactured by Obesity Research Institute. You may have heard of them - they previously marketed similar products under the names Fiberslim and Propolene.

The central ingredient in Lipozene, is a substance called glucomannan. And this is the same substance that was used in Obesity Research Institute's prior diet products. So first, you need to take a good look at what exactly is glucomannan.

Without getting too technical, (I don't want to put you to sleep with a bunch of terminology from my Chemistry lab manuals!), glucomannan is basically a fiber supplement, derived from a plant. It is a substance that your body cannot absorb, so it just passes through your system, while providing fiber to help move everything else through. (Trying hard, not to get disgusting here!)

Now, there are clinical studies which confirm that glucomannan lowers blood-fat levels, and levels of the 'bad' cholesterol (LDL). There is also some confirmation that consuming glucomannan with water before a meal, will give you a full feeling (the idea being that you will then eat less).

But before you run to your computer, to order a year's supply of Lipozene, I'm going to give you the honest truth. There are very serious problems with this product!

Yes I realize, you may have heard lots of stories about successful weight loss using Lipozene - from people trying to sell it to you! Well, fortunately for you, I refuse to sell people something that I wouldn't use myself. So I am going to reveal to you, the whole true story, about Lipozene and weight loss.

First, you need to clearly understand the problems:

Lipozene: Can you Really Lose Weight Fast With Lipozene?
- Diet pills are still drugs. And ALL drugs cause associated side effects. And sometimes, these side effects can even be dangerous.

- Glucomannan is a fiber product. And all fiber products can cause certain vitamins and minerals to bind with them - thus preventing your body from using those essential vitamins and minerals. Thus, it is advisable to take a quality multi-vitamin supplement, if you decide to use this type of diet pill.

- Since Lipozene is essentially a fiber product, this brings up the question: Why not just buy one of the commonly available fiber supplements, at a cost that is far less than Lipozene?

- There are many claims of success floating around the Internet, purportedly from Lipozene users. However, even these people state that they were following nutritional diet plans, and engaging in regular exercise, while on Lipozene. This means that we have no way of knowing whether they would have succeeded equally, merely by using a diet plan and exercise alone.

None of the problems above, however, addresses the most serious concern with Lipozene: Consumer Fraud.

The company that makes the product (Obesity Research Institute), has been cited numerous times for billing customers under false pretenses, and for refusing to provide refunds under conditions where a refund was promised. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Commission has charged the company with making 'false and unsubstantiated claims' in the past. As a result, the company has been forced to pay $1.5 million in 'customer redress'!

So as we can see, rather than living up to its promises of 'easy weight loss', Lipozene comes with a list of concerns, and even questionable results. Plus, it is sold by a company with a history of criminal actions! Fortunately for you, there are other alternatives to Lipozene, which WILL help you to lose weight quickly. But you need to have a Complete Diet Plan - one that uses SAFE supplements to accelerate your weight loss! And I will layout all the details for you, (plus show you for Free, the step-by-step way to put together your own Weight Loss Plan), in my next article in this series. 

Interesting video:

Author: Ron R
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